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Importance of Human resources managers

Human resources managers is such employee who is plan, direct, and coordinate…

6 Important Forms of separation of an employee

Separation is a situation when the service agreement of an employee with…

what is Entrepreneurship: Definition, Barriers and culture the Indian Perspective

If you want to understand of what is Entrepreneurship?, So first you…

Importance of family business

Family Business shares many of the products that any business would, there…

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Preparation Tips and Rules to Solve Spotting Errors Questions

Preparation Tips and Rules to Solve Spotting Errors Questions: Spotting error is one…

List of 150+ Antonyms for competitive exam

In this section, one of the most important and common topics on…

Tips and Rules to solve Adjectives Questions

An adjective is a word which describes or modifies a noun or…

To solve active and passive voice questions

Active & Passive Voice: Active voice means that a sentence has a subject…

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Salary, Jobs, courses and career after 12th

हिंदी में पढ़ें If you are a student of class 12 or…

Higher studies and career options after ITI

हिंदी में पढ़ें There are many students in our country who turn…

courses, jobs and career after graduation

हिंदी में पढ़ें If you are looking for options in career after…

10वीं के बाद करियर विकल्प

VIEW IN ENGLISH 10वीं के बाद करियर का निर्णय लेना छात्रों के…

Railway: क्या आपको भी टीटीई और टीसी का अंतर नहीं पता है? भगवान राम से जीवन के 9 बातें जो सीखे जा सकते हैं…. भारत की 5 सबसे कठिन परीक्षाएं, जिसमे पैसा और रुतबा गजब का है Katrina Kaif ग्लोइंग स्किन के लिए पीती हैं ये जूस इस राज्य में खाई जाती है लाल चींटी की चटनी, जानें क्यों