Whenever we go to prepare for any competition exam , many experts advise us that we should read the NCERT book. The student can refer to other reference books as well but they should ensure first preference should be NCERT books.
NCERT, which stands for National Council of Education, Research, and Training, has made their name remarkable in the field of education by being one of the best textbook distributors at primary and secondary level. Few must have queries, Are NCERT books enough for scoring good marks? So the answer is yes. NCERT books are stand-alone books which can be proven the best for scoring more than 95% marks in board and many question came to any competitive exam of NCERT books.
Here are the some advantages that make NCERT top against any other books available in the market.
Give You In-Depth Understanding Of Subjects
The NCERT books are well designed such that it covers all the concepts along with its clarity up to the student irrespective of their intelligence level and it also meant to clear students to doubt and polish their basics as well.
Most Of The CBSE Board Questions Are Picked From NCERT Books
There’s a difference between fact and myth and NCERT has the all the questions that could be asked in forthcoming board exams is the fact. CBSE board question papers have 99% questions from NCERT only, there nothing asked out of the NCERT content. So we say that NCERT books are play important role for CBSE board students.
The Important Questions At The End Of Chapters In NCERT Are Mostly Twisted And Asked In Boards
If you read the NCERT books you will find extra questions like match the following, answer in one word and etc. in the end that is the section students miss while preparing from the NCERT books and these are the ones twisted and turned by CBSE to ask in the question paper.
NCERT Books Strictly Adhere To CBSE Curriculum
NCERT provides deep learning which brings clarity of concepts which in turn becomes useful when it comes to answering the most difficult questions that students think have come out of syllabus or from some other reference but one should accept the truth the content provided in NCERT books are strictly in accordance with this CBSE curriculum. So If one has gone through the NCERT books thoroughly, he can answer any question in the exam no matter how twisted question is present there.
NCERT Books Clear Your Concepts More Than The Side Books
The ideal way of studying is to give the first preference to the NCERT books which are effective in clearing concepts and don’t forget to make handy revision notes for later use. So that in the end days it can help in quick revisions. The best thing about the NCERT books are they give you better understanding and clarity of concepts and this is where other books lack.
CBSE Itself Prescribes NCERT Books
CBSE has itself prescribed the NCERT books always and even they have asked private schools do not refer any other books to students which are meant to be total wastage of time and burdening student’s life. They said and meant it NCERT books are alone sufficient to score good marks in boards, there no need of unnecessary pushing your limits and studying from so many other books to cover the same syllabus.
NCERT Books Are Published In A Simple Language Than Other Side Books
Students are strictly advised by CBSE to carefully study NCERT books only as the NCERT books are written and published in such an easily understandable language that helps the student to clear their concepts and prepare well for the exams while other books in comparison may have language that goes out of the student’s mind and often lead to the chaos in the end.
NCERT Books Save A Lot Of Time In Exam Preparation
With the ease of language, students can learn concepts from NCERT books in less time as compared with other books so it saves a lot of time when it comes to time management in exam preparation. The time could be utilized on the topics where the student’s lack or need little practice more.NCERT books are such a savior.
NCERT Books Are Enough To Score Handsome Percentage In CBSE Boards
It clears your concept, has better understandable language, has all of the content of syllabus and the perk is, It is recommended by the CBSE itself what else you need to rely on except NCERT books to score handsome percentage in CBSE board exams.
NCERT Books Are Best option for prepare competitive exam
NCERT books is important to prepare UPSC exam or any govt. competitive exam because they gain basic knowledge and it clears your concept of student which are help to mains exam.