Forecasting -Definition, Meaning, types, advantages and limitations
Business Forecasting refers to a systematic analysis of past and present conditions with the aim of drawing inferences about the future courses of event. Forecasting is the essence of planning…
7 Stage to development of management thought
How can development of management thought ? If you want to know history of management than we recommended first you should know how can development of management thought and who…
Planning -Definition, Type, Strategies, advantage, and planning premises
Planning is the process of determining the objectives of the administrative effort and of devising means calculated to achieve them. In other words, Planning is the preparation for action. It…
6 Important Forms of separation of an employee
Separation is a situation when the service agreement of an employee with his/her organisation comes to an end and employee leaves the organization. In other words, separation is a decision…
Objectives -Definition, Characteristics and their advantage
The terms objective and goal indicate an end result to be sought and accomplished. Goals and objectives both have value orientations and indicate desired conditions considered necessary to improve the…
Staffing – Definition, Advantage and affecting factor of staffing
Staffing is an important function involved in building the human organisation. In staffing, the manager attempts to find the right person for each job. Staffing fixes a manager’s responsibility to…
असहयोग आंदोलन के प्रमुख 4 कारण और उसका प्रभाव
असहयोग आंदोलन गाँधी जी के द्वारा चलाया जाने वाला यह प्रथम जन आंदोलन था। इसमे असहयोग और व्यास काल की निती अपनाई गई। इस आंदोलन का व्यापक जन आधार था।…
Nature and needs of working capital management
Working capital management is also one of the important parts of the financial management. It is concerned with short-term finance of the business concern which is a closely related trade…