What is venture capital? How works venture capital Investors?
Capital is the lifeblood of businesses. While no amount of money will make a bad business successful, no business can survive without enough money to develop products, hire employees, establish…
Importance of family business
Family Business shares many of the products that any business would, there are some unique aspects that are brought into sharp focus by the complexity of personal family relationship. Definitions…
Role of Small Business in Economic Development
In this article we share Role of Small Business in Economic Development which is tells countries 75% capital is depend of small scale industries. Economic development is defined in a…
Government Support for small scale Industries
Small scale Industries is play important role for economic development in country. Therefore, the government is promoting small scale industries and making proper arrangements for their development. In this article…
Amazon से ऑनलाइन पैसे कैसे कमाए?
Amazon आज दुनिया का सबसे बड़ा online store है। आज यह दुनिया का ज्यादातर लोग online Shopping करना पसंद करते है। लेकिन आप यह पर खरीदारी के साथ घर बैठें…
Steps to start small scale Industries
Starting an Small scale Industry is a complex job. The potential entrepreneur has to pass through a number of steps in a step-by-step approach to achieve his goal of stetting…
Small Scale industry: Definition, Limitation, Scope and their objectives
Small Scale Industry are those industries in which start business on a small scale or micro scale as a manufacturing, providing, servicing etc. Small Scale Industries play an important role…
The 4 important step of value analysis in project management
Network analysis and Value analysis both are important factor for an entrepreneur to success their projects and every entrepreneur should know about both analysis before product launched. In this article…