In order to get a job in any organization, the candidate has to go through many paths. And the organization also follows a lot of processes before giving jobs to an employee so that his manager can get a good and best employee for his organization.
Employee Selection Process
In a large scale organisation, management follow below process for select an employee in any organisation.E
Recruitment is the process of identifying the sources of potential employees and encouraging them to apply for jobs in the organisation.
Recruitment involves attracting and obtaining as many applications as possible from eligible job-selection.
According to Dalton E. McFarland “The term recruitment applies to the process of attracting potential employees to the company.”
The main purpose of recruitment is to create a pool of candidates from which personnel with required skills can be selected.
Source of recruitment
Selecting individuals from among est the existing employees of the company may fill vacancies other than at the lowest level.
The sources of recruitment can be broadly classified into two categories
- Internal Sources
- External Sources
(A). Internal Sources
Internal sources mostly depends on the below four sources.
Source 1: Present permanent employees
Present permanent employees is best option for internal sources. HR department inform present employee for vacancies in organisation. So they reference to own family or relation for job.
Source 2: Present temporary/casual employees
HR department give permanent job whose employees worked on temporary basis in organisation.
Source 3: Retired Person
Retired person is also option to reference for a employee.
Source 4: Dependents of deceased, disabled, retired, and present employees.
Internal sources mostly depends of retired person and present employees.
(B). External Sources
Source 1: Re-employing Former employees
Former employees who have been laid-off or have left for personal reasons may be re-employed.
These people may require less initial training than that needed by total strangers to the enterprise.
Source 2: Friends and relatives of personal employees
Some Industries with a record of good personnel relations encourage their employee to recommend their friends and relatives for appointment in the concern where they are employed.
Source 3: Applicants at the Gate
The factory representative interviews unemployed persons who call at the gates of the factories and those who are found suitable for the existing vacancies are selected.
Source 4: College and technical Institutions
This type of source is more popular in advanced countries where there is a shortage of highly qualified technical people.
Many big companies remain in touch with the colleges and technical institutions from where young and talented persons may be recruited.
Source 5: Employment Exchanges
Employment exchanges also serve as an important source of recruitment for a number of business concerns.
They are considered a useful source for the recruitment of clerks, accountants typists etc.
Source 6: Advertising the vacancy
One more sources that is tapped by the companies is advertising the vacancy in leading papers.
Source 7: Labour unions
In companies with strong labour unions, persons are sometimes recommended for appointment by their labour unions.
This may also be done in pursuance to an agreement between the union and the management.
Selection is the process of carefully screening the candidates who offer themselves for appointment so as to choose the most suitable persons for the jobs that are to be filled.
It is the process of matching the qualification of candidates with the requirements of jobs to be filled.
Selection is the process of differentiating between applicants in order to identity and hire those with a greater likelihood of success in a job.
Selection is a very simple and one-step process. But in many cases, it is quite complex and time-consuming.
The main steps in selection procedure may be as follows:
Step 1: Preliminary Interview
Preliminary Interview provides basic information about candidates. The purpose of preliminary interview is to eliminate the totally unsuitable candidates.
It helps to determine whether it is worth while for the candidate to fill in an application form.
Step 2: Application Blank
Candidates who gets through the preliminary interview are asked to fill up a blank application from specially designed to obtain the required information about the candidate.
Generally, an application from contains information regarding Personal history such as name, date of birth, sex, martial status, nationality etc., educational qualifications, job experience and references etc.
Step 3: Selection Tests
Tests have become an important device in the process of selection. These are used to measure such skills and abilities, which are needed for efficient performance of the job.
Written test may be descriptive or objective in nature.
Step 4: Employment Interview
Personal interview is perhaps the most widely used method for selecting employees.
It is face-to-face talk between the employer and the candidate. The main purpose of employment interview are:
- To check the information obtained in earlier steps
- To seek more information about the candidate.
- To test the qualities of the candidate.
- To inform the candidate about the job and the organisation.
Personal and social traits like aptitude, interest, motivation, communicating etc. can better judged in an interview.
Step 5: Checking of references
Candidates are usually required to provide some reference, i.e., name id person whom inquiries as to his educational background, experience, ability, character etc., could be addressed.
Checking the reference may help to point out discrepancies regarding the candidate’s previous employment, past salary and reasons for leaving job.
Step 6: Group discussion
Under this method, several candidates are brought together and given a topic for discussion.
This method reveals personality characteristics, communication skills, ability to argue logically, ability to get on with others, ability to appreciate others ideas etc.
Interviews observe how each candidate participates in the discussion.
Step 7: Physical Examination
Physical or medical examination of a candidate is carried out to ascertain his physical fitness for the job.
A proper medical examination will ensure high standards of health and physical fitness of the employees.
It will reduces the rates of absenteeism, accidents and labour turnover.
Step 8: Final Approval
After screening the candidates a list of suitable candidates is prepared. The list is sent to line manager who requisitioned the personnel. He gives the final Approval.
The candidates formally approved by the manager concerned are appointed by issuing appointment letters and concluding service agreements.
Interview and its type
An interview is an attempt to secure maximum amount of information from the candidate concerning his suitability for the job under consideration.
According to Scott and other, “An interview is a purposeful exchange of ideas, the answering of questions and communication between two or more persons.”
Generally, interviews fall in six categories:
1: Patterned or highly organised Interviews
This is the most common method of interview. It is based on the assumption that, to be most effective, every pertinent detail bearing on what is to be accomplished, how the interview is to be conducted, and how much time is to be allotted to it, must be worked out in advance.
Questions would be asked in a particular order, with every little deviation. If an applicant wants to discuss something else, he is swiftly guided back to be prepared questions.
2: Non-Directive, Free or Quite Unorganized Interviews
It is unstructured and is relatively non-planned as to format. In such an interview, the applicant is asked some very general questions, and he may reply to these in any way he likes for a considerable length of time.
3: Depth or discussion Interviews
It is semi-structured in nature and utilities questions in key areas which have been studied in advance by the interviewer.
The typical subjects discussed at such interview include the candidate’s home life, education, previous experience, aptitude, recreational interests and hobbies.
4: Group Discussion Interview
In this type of interview groups rather than individuals are interviewed.
The interviews are given certain problem and are asked to reach a specific decision within a particular time limit.
5: Panel or Board Interview
In this type of interview, a candidate is interviewed by a number of interviewers. Questions may be asked in turn or asked in random order as they arise on any topic.
6: Stress interview
In this stress Interview, the interviewer assumes a hostile role toward the applicant.
The purpose is to find out how a candidate behaves in a stress situation- whether he loses his temper, gets confused or frightened.
Orientation is a process of acquainting the new employees with the existing culture and practices of the new organisation.It includes the activities of introducing a new employee to the organisation and the work unit.
The focus of orientation is to make the induction process smooth in bearking initial anxieties of the new recruits.During any orientation, it is important to convey that organisation believes in continuous learning and improvement.
Orientation is a systematic and planned introduction of employees to their jobs, their co-workers and the organisation. It is also called induction.
After an employee has been hired and oriented, he or she must be placed in his/her right job.
Placement is understood as the allocation of people to jobs. It is the assignment or re-assignment of an employee to a new or different jobs.
Placement refers to the allocation of people to jobs. It includes initial assignment of new employees, and promotion. Transfer, or demotion of present employees.
Training and development
Training may be defined as a planned programme designed to improve performance and to bring about measurable changes in knowledge, skills, attitude and social behavior of employees for doing a particular job.
Training and development offer competitive advantage to a firm by removing performance deficiencies, making employees stay long, minimizing accidents, scrap and damage and meeting future employee needs.
Purpose of Training and development
The people development in the organisation has been emphasized because of the following advantages:-
Purpose 1: Creating a pool of readily available and adequate replacements for personnel who may have leave or move up in the organisation.
Purpose 2: Enhancing the company’s ability to adopt and use advances in technology because of a highly knowledgeable staff.
Purpose 3: Building a more efficient, effective and highly motivated them, which enhances the company’s competitive position and improves employee morale.
Purpose 4: Ensuring adequate human resources for expansion into two programmes.
At last words, An organization always wants to hire a good and talented person, so it is best for organization to follow these processes.
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- Importance of human resource managers
- Factors affecting human resources plan
- Objectives of human resources management
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