Human resources managers is such employee who is plan, direct, and coordinate the administrative functions of an organization.
Human resources Manager
The department will grow in size and importance when new demands are placed on it by the top management.

A large scale unit will have a Manager/Director heading the HR department. And that called is Human resources Manager.
Qualities of Human resources manager
The most important quality is his/her ability to deal successfully with people who have likes and dislikes, who favor some and are prejudiced against others.
He had to deal with workers who refuse to see reason and who believe that violence pays, and nothing else does.
The other qualities are stated below:
Point 1: Fairness and firmness
This is a basic quality of the HR manager. He/she should be fair in matters of promotions, demotions, transfers, lay-offs and be firm in enforcing discipline.
Point 2: Tact and resourcefulness
The Human resources manager must be tactful in dealing with difficult situations.
Tact implies determining what is good and fair in trying conditions, and skill in dealing with the most demanding situations.
The Human resources manager must be resourceful, too. He/she should have an open mind, objectivity and adjust ability to tackle a difficult matter from different angles.
Point 3: Sympathy and consideration
The HR manager must be guided by sympathetic attitude towards employee demands. True, several of the demands are unreasonable ,but patient listening, open mind, and concern for employees welfare make recalcitrant workers relent.
Point 4: Knowledge of labour and other terms
The HR manager must possess a sound knowledge of the constitution and other acts that influence labour interests.
He/she must also be aware of the government’s policy towards labour and the general economic conditions prevailing at a given time.
However, the HR manager is not directly concerned with the compliance of provisions in the constitution and other acts.
Point 5: Broad social outlook
Social responsibility of business is a topic much discussed these days. Business units undertake several activities in the name of social responsibility.
It is desirable that the HR manager has a social outlook and contribute towards the betterment of quality of life of the employee and those who live around and beyond the company.
Point 6: Others
The HR manager must have the competence to perform activities relating to personnel better than this his/her subordinates.
It enables the manager to kindle hope in subordinates when their spirits are down, which is usually the case when the organisation is passing through a lean period.
The HR manager must have a long-term perspective, so as to map out a future for the organisation 15 to 20 years ahead and even beyond.
Point 7: Academic qualifications
The HR manager needs no specialized academic degree, unlike a cost accountant, chartered accountant, doctor, engineer or a professor in a university who must possess the prescribed qualification to enter their respective professions.
To plays such strategic roles, the HR manager needs to be well-educated and experienced.
Social work as a discipline is strongly oriented towards welfare, which is not the best intellectual equipment for somebody who has face the fire and brimstone of trade unions.
Principles of Human Resources Manager
Principle is the fundamental truth established by research, investigation, and analysis.
Many principles have been established through practice, experience and observation.
Principles are universal truths generally applicable to all organization. Principles guide managers in formulating policies, programmes, procedures and objectives.
They also come handy in solving any vexing problem.
Some of the presonnal principles are :-
1: Principle of individual development – to offer full and equal opportunities to every employee to realize his/her full potential.
2: Principle of scientific selection – to select the right person for the right job.
3: Principle of free flow of communication to keep – To keep all channels of communication open and encourage upward, downward, horizontal, formal and informal communication.
4: Principle of participation – to associate employee representatives at every level of decision-making.
5: Principle of fair remuneration – to pay fair and equitable wages and salaries commenuration with jobs.
6: Principle of incentive to recongive and reward good performance.
7: Principle of dignity of labour to treat every job and every job holder with dignity and respect.
8: Principle of labour management co-operation to promotes cordial industrial relations.
9: Principle of team spirit to promote co-operation and team spirit among employees.
10: Principles of contribution to national prosperity to provide a higher purpose of work to all employees and to contribute to national prosperity.
Role of Human Resource Manager
Human resources Manager play a vital role in the modern organisation. He plays various strategic roles at different levels in the organisations.
The roles of the HR manager include roles of :-
- Personnel Role
- Welfare Role
- Clerical Role
- Fire-fighting Legal Role
1. Personnel Role
Advisory advising management on effective use of human resources
Manpower planning recruitment, selection etc.
Training and development of line men
Measurement of assessment and individual and group behavior
2. Welfare Role
Research in personnel and organizational problems
Managing services canteens, grain shops, transport co-operatives cereals etc.
Group dynamics group counselling motivation, leadership, communication etc.
3. Clerical Role
Time keeping
Salary and wage administration incentives
Maintenance of records
Human engineering. Man machine relationship.
4. Fire-fighting Legal Role
Grievance handling
Settlement of disputes.
Handling disciplinary actions
Collective bargaining
These are main important role of Human resources manager and some roles which are important of HR manager is :-
1. The Conscience Role
The conscience role is that of a humanitarian who reminds the management of its morals and obligations to its employees.
2. The Counsellor
Employees who are dissatisfied with the present job approach the personnel manager for counselling. In addition. Employees facing various problems like material, health, children, education/marriage, mental, physical and career also approach the personnel managers.
3. The Mediator
As a mediator, the personnel manager plays the role of a peace-maker He settles the disputes between both of them.
4. The Spokesman
He is a frequent spokesman for or representative of the company.
5. The Problem-Solver
He act as a change agent and introduces changes in various existion programmes.
At last words, The Human resources manager must be fair and firm, tactful and resourceful, sympathetic and consideration, knowledge about labour laws, have a board social outlook, and have competence and confidence.
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