Tag: Human Resource management

6 Important Forms of separation of an employee

Separation is a situation when the service agreement of an employee with…

Divyanshu Kumar Divyanshu Kumar

Objectives -Definition, Characteristics and their advantage

The terms objective and goal indicate an end result to be sought…

Divyanshu Kumar Divyanshu Kumar

Staffing – Definition, Advantage and affecting factor of staffing

Staffing is an important function involved in building the human organisation. In…

Divyanshu Kumar Divyanshu Kumar

Need and causes of Grievance procedure

Grievance procedures are a means of dispute resolution that can be used…

Divyanshu Kumar Divyanshu Kumar

Transfers: Definition, Reasons, Type, Principles and Importance

Transfer involves a change in the job (along with it change in…

Divyanshu Kumar Divyanshu Kumar

Method of performance appraisal

Performance appraisal or merit rating is one of the oldest and most…

Divyanshu Kumar Divyanshu Kumar