Tag: Human Resources management

Objectives -Definition, Characteristics and their advantage

The terms objective and goal indicate an end result to be sought…

Divyanshu Kumar Divyanshu Kumar

What is demotion, Reason and principle of demotion

Demotion is the reassignment of a lower level job to an employee…

Divyanshu Kumar Divyanshu Kumar

Promotion: Definition, Condition, Types, Purpose and their benefit

If the organisation prefers to fill a vacancy only be the internal…

Divyanshu Kumar Divyanshu Kumar

Training: Definition, Objective, Type and their benefits

Training is an organised process for increasing the knowledge and skills of…

Divyanshu Kumar Divyanshu Kumar

Factors Affecting wage and salary Levels

Which Factors Affecting wage and salary Levels ? Wage and salary administration…

Divyanshu Kumar Divyanshu Kumar

Importance and objective of Wage and salary administration

What is wage and salary administration? Wage and salary administration is essentially…

Divyanshu Kumar Divyanshu Kumar

Why are wage incentive is important in india

The term wage incentive has been used both in the restricted sense…

Divyanshu Kumar Divyanshu Kumar

Trade Unions: Definition, objectives and their functions

Trade unions are voluntary organisations of employees or employers formed to promote…

Divyanshu Kumar Divyanshu Kumar